Tuesday 9 June 2015

A big shout-out to… whoever is listening!

Hello Hello! Welcome to my new blog! Anjlee is my name, I play the game. Ok, if you are still around even after that absolutely cringe-worthy introduction, then I am totally judging you. Sarcasm aside (duh, I will come back to it five seconds into the read), I will start with the clichéd, what this blog is all about (and what all heights I am going to take it to). 

First up, reasons for the bare beginnings-

1.    Mostly to brag about my new book ‘The Shaadi Brouhaha.. arranged marriage hungama’
2.    Blogspot makes one look cool. *Insert sunglass-wala emoji*
3.    I like to read my own material (because I have a feeling that nobody else is going to read it).
4.    Few years later when I come back to older posts, I can say ‘Kids, duh’.

If you have managed to read first half, well done you! I intend to keep my posts brief (don’t trust me) because I have the attention span of only five seconds which is less than that of a goldfish (I will keep giving my newfound useless information). Which brings us to the basic questions-

1.    How I wrote this post then? Don’t even ask
2.    How often am I going to post? Every week. Lol.. I am totally lying.. lol
3.    What am I going to post about? We shall see. Suggestions are welcome (only asking because that’s polite)
4.    Can one comment? Of course, this is the only place I socialize. Trolls still ok, haters a no-no.

So that’s it for now. That’s my weekly quota. No no, please come back. I really have something coming up tomorrow. For today, laters, baby! (FSOG readers will understand).